1. Green Peas And Basil Soup Ingredients
    •Green peas frozen 1 cup
    •Basil leaves 10-12
    •Onion 1 medium
    •Olive oil 2-3 tablespoons
    •Salt to taste
    •Black pepper powder to taste
    •Vegetable stock 2-3 cups
    •Milk 3/4 cup
    Slice onion. Heat olive oil in a non-stick pan, add onion and sauté till soft.
    Add green peas, salt and black pepper powder. Toss to mix and cook for 1 minute.
    Add vegetable stock and mix. Cook for 2 minutes, switch off heat and set aside to cool to room temperature.
    Puree pea mixture along with 6-8 basil leaves in a blender. Transfer into non-stick pan and heat.
    Add milk and mix. Simmer for 2-3 minutes.
    Finely chop the remaining basil leaves. Pour the soup into serving bowl and garnish with chopped basil leaves. Serve piping hot.


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