Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Pani Puri


Crisp semolina puris filled with sprouts and chilled mint flavoured water make a great snack for a hot summer afternoon. They are known as "golgappas" in northern india and as "poochkas" in west bengal. When my favourite "panipuriwallah" is serving me these delightful little puris one after the other, i just go on eating till i can eat no more! sprouts can be replaced by hot ragda to complement the chilled mint water. Making the puris takes some time to master and although they can be bought from a local store, the extra effort put in to make them at home is well worth the trouble. Do remember to store the puris in an air-tight container. You can always refresh them by baking them in a slow oven for 4 to 5 minutes.

Preparation Time: 
Cooking Time: 
Makes 4 servings


For The Puris
1/2 cup fine semolina (rava)
1/2 tbsp plain flour (maida)
3 tbsp soda water (bottled)
salt to taste

For The Pani
1 1/2 cups chopped mint leaves (phudina)
1 tbsp chopped coriander (dhania)
1/3 cup tamarind (imli)
25 ginger (adrak)
4 to 5 green chillies
1 tsp roasted cumin seeds (jeera) powder
1 1/2 tsp black salt (sanchal)
salt to taste

Other Ingredients
1 recipe khajur imli ki chutney
1/2 cup mixed sprouts , boiled
1/2 cup boondi , soaked and drained

For the puris

  1. Combine the semolina, plain flour, soda water and salt to make a semi-stiff dough and knead well. Allow it to rest under a wet muslin cloth for 10 to 15 minutes.
  2. Divide the dough into 40 equal portions and roll each portion into 37 mm. (1½") circles.
  3. Place these circles under a damp cloth for about 5 minutes.
  4. Deep fry in a kadhai in hot oil on a medium flame till they puff up and are golden brown (press each puri using a slotted spoon till they puff up in the oil).
  5. Remove, drain on absorbent paper and store in an air-tight container.

For the pani

  1. Soak the tamarind in ½ cup of water for approximately 1 hour. Strain out all the pulp through a sieve.
  2. Combine this pulp with the remaining ingredients except the black salt in a blender and grind to a fine paste using a little water.
  3. Transfer the paste into a large bowl and combine with 1 litre of water, the black salt and salt and mix well.
  4. Chill for at least 2 to 3 hours after making so that all the flavours have blended properly.

How to proceed

  1. Crack a small hole in the centre of each puri.
  2. Fill with a little sprouts or boondi, then top a little khajur imli ki chutney, immerse it in the chilled pani and eat immediately.

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